How to:
1. Place 1 kilo pork liempo, 1/2 cup soy sauce, 1/2 cup vinegar, 1 head crushed garlic, 1/2 tbsp black pepper, 1/4 cup water and a bay leaf in a thick bottom pan.
2. Boil the mixture in medium heat until sauce is reduced in half or until meat is tender.
3. Remove pork from the sauce. fry in a different pan with a little oil. Strain oil. Set aside.
4. Back to the sauce, add 2 tbsps of sugar. Simmer for another 2-3 minutes.
5. Pour in first extract of 2 medium young coconuts using a coconut presser. Bring to boil. Keep cooking tntil sauce thckens and coconut cream is cooked. Bring back the pork and simmer for a minute.
6. Serve with steamed rice.